Returns: always within 14 days
You have the right to cancel your order up to 14 days after receipt without giving any reason. After cancellation you have another 14 days to return your product. You will then be credited the full order amount excluding shipping costs. You must return and pay for the return shipment yourself.
Note: if we have made a mistake in your order, the return costs will of course be paid by Tracpartz.
Products must always:
- to be returned in original condition
- will be routed in original packaging
We will then refund the order amount due within 14 days of receipt of your return - provided the product has been returned in good order.
You can not return these articles:
- a. Sealed products. (when the seal is broken, the products may not be returned)
- b. Electricity/ electrical parts;
- c. Products that contain signs of use (by mounting or trying)
- d. Which by their nature cannot be returned;
- e. Used (second hand) parts;
- f. Items ordered/purchased especially for you;
Download return form
You can return your products with this form: RETURN FORM
Return address:
TracPartz B.V. (attn. returns)
Transportweg 13
9363 TL Marum